Gaming the Mind: How Gaming Reshapes The Brain and Behavior
Video games are becoming more and more popular everyday, leading many people wondering how they can affect our brains and
Video games are becoming more and more popular everyday, leading many people wondering how they can affect our brains and
Reward gaming makes an important contribution to players’ engagement, motivation, and enjoyment of the game they are playing. It is
The statistics prove that influencer marketing plays a key role in the game marketing process to absorb the gaming audience.
The video game industry, which was once controlled by just a few big companies, has changed a lot over the
Cross-platform play (or cross-play) is one of the most important technological advancements in online gaming in recent years. It allows
To generate revenue from games, all game developers and publishers need to dive into new game monetization strategies, which include
A game marketing strategy is built on game developers’ and publishers’ perceptions of their products and the game business environment,
The global middle class consists of people who are neither poor nor rich by the standards of different countries. A