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silver hair travel

Who is a Silver-Haired traveler and why should you care?

Tourism companies generally use the process of age classification and average income to optimize their user database. However, for a detailed examination of Mega-Trends, the best way is to divide your customer segmentation by age.

According to the comprehensive report of Howrath HTL, in the “Age categories” that we call the “middle-aged” population – around 50 – there is a significant increase in the interest and probability of traveling. The combination of more time, health, and, most importantly, an increase in income has made this category the focus of tourism companies. But what does the microdata show?

  • 97% of Americans over 50 plan to take one domestic trip yearly.
  • 45% of the American population over 50 plans to travel internationally once a year.
  • 47% of the people in the United States over 50 intend to travel more than last year.

Now, how to handle the middle-aged travel market?

First, we need to use the right title for this category. Howrath’s suggestion is to use the title “Silver Hair.” Due to its income potential, this market is of interest to the tourism industry, and it is possible to get on this trend. According to the same research, the following tactics will help tremendously in attracting this age group:

Personalized services

This group of travelers is looking for a product that matches their taste and is designed directly for them; Therefore, face-to-face and physical communication becomes essential. You need to understand what this section of people wants. You can achieve this by showing flexibility in the products you offer.

Light and simple adventure

We all want our youth to be longer and longer. In old age, it is hard to accept that those times are long gone. Silver-haired travelers are looking for “Light” experiences that inspire a sense of youth. This category is no longer looking for “Gaining financial assets” and is looking for “Discovering new experiences.” The two elements of comfort and life experience as a local are now vital.

Health tourism

Health tourism is another essential service for this age group. Silver-haired travelers may take a trip to treat a medical issue, but the activities could go far beyond that. The vision of businesses providing Health tourism services should be to improve physical health, create a new perspective, and help travelers to gain unique experiences. All of this improves mental and spiritual challenges.

In the meantime, the following are types of tourism suitable for the Silver Hair category:

  • Genealogy
  • Multi-Generation Travels
  • Voluntary trips for public benefit
  • Peaceful travel by cruise and train
  • Dream Trip (Bucket List)
  • Mysterious journeys
  • Educational trips
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